
is an Ancient Indian practice with an over 6,000 year lineage of students and teachers

In all this time, many types of yoga have emerged - if you’ve explored what’s on offer you’ll see a range of varying offerings available; from small local teachers , big studios and online platforms; theres Iyengar, Hot Yoga, Vinyasa, Yin, Hatha, booty burns, bikini bods, ego deaths and full kundalini spiritual awakening… With this abundance of choice, influential figures, and brands of yoga products out there, it can be hard to truly figure out what is at the center of yoga.

Most know it’s an old Indian thing, but discovering the core essence of yoga can become muddled in modern buzz. In this corner of the web I offer what I’ve learned so far in my years of studying what Yoga is. But, I have to be honest with you, it will be different for every individual as yoga is more than an intellectual concept. Much like life, yoga is a transformative experience and eternal self teacher rather than a definable and stagnant thing.

In simple language, Yoga means Union

Derived from Ancient Indian ‘Sanskrit’ word ‘yug’ meaning ‘to join’. Yoga provides guidance for getting to unite with, know and trust yourself so well, you may peacefully flow through the waves of difficulty and pleasure that life inevitably brings.
Yoga is often misunderstood as solely being a form of exercise, but in wholeness Yoga offers practical and philosophical tools to overcome obstacles between us, freedom, joy and gratitude. Yoga can guide you to wellness and liberation of the body, mind and soul.

Below is the step-by-step traditional 8 part System to practice Yoga holistically

Believe it or not, our modern Yoga practice is derived from a document written some 1700-2200 years ago called;

“Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras”

this document was written by an Indian Sage named Patanjali between 500-200BCD, from this document an holistic 8 ‘Limbed’ or ‘Part’ System of Yoga was developed and is now the most influential reference in modern yoga practice.


Disconnect from freedom can be hard to shake - barriers to freedom in modern life come in all forms, I’m sure we all know them but let’s go there; from over stacked work and social calendars, financial and relationship troubles, perfectionism, body issues, self doubt, overstimulation, disconnect, loneliness, constant media cluttering the mind. We ‘do more’ in a day than our ancestors ever did; life is fast paced and only speeding up as we human innovators continue to innovate. To keep up, we have adapted to become an highly externally stimulated society, which can leave less space for our own inner clarity. These are the tools Yoga provides to teach us to connect with inner clarity and space.
